McCall Research Group Illinois

Dr. Holger Kreckel

Professional Information

Tenure: January 2009 - June 2012
Current Position: Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Doctorate in Physics, University of Heidelberg, 2003
Physics Diploma, University of Heidelberg, 2000

Dr. Holger Kreckel


Postdoc, Columbia Astrophysis Laboratory, New York, 2007-2009
Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, 2004-2006

Private webpage:

Current Research

Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions,
Atomic and molecular collision studies,
Dissociative Recombination,
Ion traps,
Coulomb Explosion Imaging,

Model calculations of the Interstellar Medium,
Early Universe chemistry.

Our study of early universe H2 formation has just been published in Science magazine [Kreckel et al. 329, 69 (2010)]. A free link is provided through the Columbia Webpage, including the supporting online material.
Here are some links to websites that covered our research. A full list can be found on the web page of D.W.Savin.

1) Conditions for universe's first stars recreated: Columbia University researchers ..., Space on, July 1, 2010.
2) A Star is Born ... But How?, NSF press release .
3) Researchers shed light on birth of first stars, Astronomy, July 8, 2010.
4) Die Entstehung der ersten Sterne (Rainer Kayser), (Germany), July 2, 2010
5) How Stars Were Born, South Asian News (India), July 7, 2010.
6) Die Entstehung der ersten Sterne (Rainer Kayser) Wissenschaft Aktuell (Germany), July 2, 2010.
7) Researchers Shed Light on Birth of the First Stars, Space and Earth Science News, July 7, 2010.
8) How Stars Were Born IndiaVision (India), July 7, 2010.
9) A Star is Born...But How?, Popular Mechanics (South Africa), July 6, 2010
10) Die Entstehung der ersten Sterne, (Germany), July 2, 2010


4 F. Grussie, M. H. Berg, K. N. Crabtree, S. Gärtner, B. J. McCall, S. Schlemmer, A. Wolf, and H. Kreckel
"The Low-Temperature Nuclear Spin Equilibrium of H3+ in Collisions With H2"
Astrophysical Journal (2012), 759, 21.
Abstract Icon PDF Icon
3 A. A. Mills, B. M. Siller, M. W. Porambo, M. Perera, H. Kreckel, and B. J. McCall
"Ultra-Sensitive High-Precision Spectroscopy of a Fast Molecular Ion Beam"
Journal of Chemical Physics (2011), 135, 224201.
Abstract Icon PDF Icon
2 K. N. Crabtree, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, B. A. Tom and B. J. McCall
"On the Ortho:Para Ratio of H3+ in Diffuse Molecular Clouds"
Astrophysical Journal (2011), 729, 15.
Abstract Icon PDF Icon
1 H. Kreckel, O. Novotny, K. N. Crabtree, H. Buhr, A. Petrignani, B. A. Tom, R. D. Thomas, M. H. Berg, D. Bing, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, M. B. Mendes, C. Nordhorn, R. Repnow, J. Stuetzel, A. Wolf and B. J. McCall
"High-Resolution Storage-Ring Measurements of the Dissociative Recombination of H3+ Using a Supersonic Expansion Ion Source"
Physical Review A (2010), 82, 042715.
Abstract Icon PDF Icon


1 K. N. Crabtree, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel and B. J. McCall
"The ortho:para ratio of H3+ in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas"
Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, AIP Conference Proceedings