Papers | Proceedings | Talks | Posters | Other |
37 | S. E. Dubowsky, A. N. Rose, N. Glumac and B. J. McCall "Emission Spectroscopy of Atmospheric-Pressure Ball Plasmoids: Higher Energy Reveals a Rich Chemistry" 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Montreal, Canada, 2017. |
36 | S.E. Dubowsky, A.N. Rose, N. Glumac, J.G. Eden and B.J. McCall "Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Ambient Ball Plasmoid Discharges: Revealing the Underlying Physical Chemistry of Ball Lightning" The 2016 Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016. |
35 | S.E. Dubowsky, A.N. Rose, N. Glumac, J.G. Eden and B.J. McCall "Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Ambient Ball Plasmoid Discharges: Revealing the Underlying Physical Chemistry of Ball Lightning" 2016 Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference, Marshall, IN, 2016. |
34 | A.N. Rose, S.E. Dubowsky, N. Glumac and B.J. McCall "Elucidating the Mechanism by Which Ball Plasmoids are Stabilized Using Emission Spectroscopy" 2017 Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017. |
33 | G. S. Kocheril, A. J. Perry, C. R. Markus, J. N. Hodges and B. J. McCall "High Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions" Chemistry REU Annual Poster Session, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015. |
32 | N. C. Koeppen and B. J. McCall "Analysis of rotationally resolved C3 using updated oscillator strengths" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, 2015. |
31 | C. R. Markus, A. J. Perry, J. N. Hodges, G. S. Kocheril and B. J. McCall "High precision and high accuracy spectroscopy of molecular ions" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, 2015. |
30 | C. N. Talicska, M. W. Porambo and B. J. McCall "A continuous supersonic expansion discharge source for high-precision mid-infrared spectroscopy of cold molecular ions" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, 2015. |
29 | S. D. Friedman, D. G. York, B. J. McCall, J. Dahlstrom, P. Sonnentrucker, D. E. Welty, M. M. Drosback, L. M. Hobbs, B. L. Rachford, and T. P. Snow "Pairwise Correlations of Eight Strong DIBs and N(H), N(H2), and EB-V" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011. |
28 | M. G. Rawlings, A. J. Adamson, B. J. McCall, and T. H. Kerr "A High-Resolution Study of the Near-Infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011. |
27 | K. N. Crabtree, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, B. A. Tom, C. A. Kauffman, E. Becka, B. A. McGuire and B. J. McCall "Nuclear Spin Dependence of Hydrogenic Plasmas in the Laboratory and the Diffuse Interstellar Medium" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011. |
26 | J. N. Hodges, K. N. Crabtree, B. M. Siller, M. W. Porambo, A. A. Mills, and B. J. McCall "Indirect THz Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011. |
25 | J. T. Stewart, B. E. Brumfield and B. J. McCall "Rotationally-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Pyrene (C16H10)" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2011. |
24 | K. N. Crabtree, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, B. A. Tom, C. A. Kauffman, E. Beçka, B. A. McGuire and B. J. McCall "Nuclear Spin Dependence of Hydrogenic Plasmas in the Laboratory and the Diffuse Interstellar Medium" International Astronomical Union Symposium 280: The Molecular Universe, Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Toledo, Spain, 2011. |
23 | M. W. Porambo, H. Kreckel, A. A. Mills, M. Perera, B. M. Siller and B. J. McCall "Sensitive, Cooled, Resolved, Ion BEam Spectroscopy: SCRIBES" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2010. |
22 | C. A. Kauffman, K. N. Crabtree, B. A. Tom, E. Beçka and B. J. McCall "Experimental Measurements of the H3+ + H2 → H3+ + H2 Reaction in a Hollow Cathode" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2010. |
21 | B. E. Brumfield, J. T. Stewart and B. J. McCall "Continued Development of a Sensitive Mid-IR Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer Using a Quantum Cascade Laser" Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2010. |
20 | A. A. Mills, B. M. Siller, H. Kreckel, M. Perera, M. W. Porambo and B. J. McCall "New Approaches to Molecular Ion Spectroscopy" Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in the Laboratory and in Space, Kos, Greece, 2010. |
19 | H. Kreckel, K. N. Crabtree, C. A. Kauffman, B. A. Tom, N. Indriolo, B. A. McGuire, O. Novotny, M. Berg, D. Bing, H. Buhr, A Petrignani, C. Krantz, M. Lestinky, M. Mendes, C. Nordhorn, J. Stützel, R. Thomas, A. Wolf and B. J. McCall "Nuclear Spin Effects in the Reactions of H3+ with H2 and Electrons" Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in the Laboratory and in Space, Kos, Greece, 2010. |
18 | K. N. Crabtree, N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, C. A. Kauffman, E. Becka, B. A. Tom and B. J. McCall "Nuclear Spin Effects in Hydrogenic Plasmas in the Laboratory and Interstellar Medium" Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, 2010. |
17 | L. E. Moore, M. Perera, B. A. Tom, Y. Miyamoto, M. W. Porambo, T. Momose and B. J. McCall "Index of Refraction of Solid para-Hydrogen" 2010 WCC Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Illinois, 2010. |
16 | C. A. Kauffman, K. N. Crabtree and B. J. McCall "The Performance of a Continuous Supersonic Expansion Discharge Source" Second Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, 2009. |
15 | B. E. Brumfield, J. T. Stewart and B. J. McCall "Mid Infrared Continuous Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer for Acquisition of the High-Resolution Spectrum of C60" Second Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, 2009. |
14 | K. N. Crabtree, K. B. Ford, C. A. Kauffman, H. Kreckel, A. A. Mills, M. Perera, B. M. Siller and B. J. McCall "SCRIBES: Sensitive, Cooled, Resolved, Ion BEam Spectroscopy" Advancing Chemical Understanding Through Astronomical Observations, Green Bank Telescope, Green Bank, WV, 2009. |
13 | N. Indriolo, T. R. Geballe, T. Oka and B. J. McCall "Variability of the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate in Diffuse Molecular Clouds" Advancing Chemical Understanding Through Astronomical Observations, Green Bank Telescope, Green Bank, WV, 2009. |
12 | B. A. Tom, B. A. McGuire, L. E. Moore, T. J. Wood and B. J. McCall "Hydrogenic Plasmas in a Cold Hollow Cathode" Advancing Chemical Understanding Through Astronomical Observations, Green Bank Telescope, Green Bank, WV, 2009. |
11 | A. A. Mills, H. Kreckel, M. Perera, K. N. Crabtree, B. M. Siller, K. B. Ford and B. J. McCall "Ultrasensitive Infrared Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions" Air Force Molecular Dynamics Contractors Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2009. |
10 | B. E. Brumfield, B. Siller and B. J. McCall "Towards Acquisition of a High Resolution Gas Phase Spectrum of C60" Inaugural Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, 2008. |
9 | A. A. Mills, K. B. Ford, K. N. Crabtree and B. J. McCall "High Resolution Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions: Development of an Instrument" Inaugural Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, 2008. |
8 | K. N. Crabtree, C. A. Kauffman and B. J. McCall "A Continuous Supersonic Expansion Discharge Source for the Production of Cold Molecular Ions" Inaugural Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting, University of Illinois, 2008. |
7 | B. Negru, M. Wiczer, S. L. Widicus Weaver, J. P. DiGangi, B. A. Tom, and B. J. McCall "Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of the 14N2+ Meinel System 2-1 Band" American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2007. |
6 | S. L. Widicus Weaver, A. A. Mills, and B. J. McCall "Continuous-wave Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in a Fast Ion Beam" American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2007. |
5 | B. E. Brumfield, S. L. Widicus Weaver, S. S. Howard, C. F. Gmachl, and B. J. McCall "Continuous Wave Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of C60 at 8.5 Microns Using a Quantum Cascade Laser and a Supersonic Expansion Source" American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2007. |
4 | B. J. McCall, J. Thorburn, L. M. Hobbs, D. Welty, T. P. Snow, B. Rachford, P. Sonnentrucker, S. Friedman, T. Oka, and D. G. York "Early Results from the APO Diffuse Interstellar Band Survey" NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop, Moffett Field, California, 2002. |
3 | B. J. McCall, T. R. Geballe, K. H. Hinkle, and T. Oka "Observation of H3+ in Dense and Diffuse Clouds" 193rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Austin,TX, 1999. |
2 | B. J. McCall and T. Oka "Observation of Interstellar H3+ II. Diffuse Clouds" Protostars and Planets IV, Santa Barbara, California, 1998. |
1 | T. Oka and B. J. McCall "Observation of Interstellar H3+ I. Dense Molecular Clouds" Protostars and Planets IV, Santa Barbara, California, 1998. |